Get Over Yourselves

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Okay ladies, I feel like I have to share my greatest opinion about this because it's driving me insane and I can't stand the negative opinions and actions going on about this. I hope each and everyone of you who reads this takes the time to share it because it's about to get real up in here.

                                                          We are familiar with this post.

Some of us are familiar with the replies.

Yes, these are the ladies representing women around the world!!! Whoop whoop!! Not!!!

"What's your excuse?" Has gone on long enough and I say it should continue. What got me so fired up? I saw a pic posted on a well followed facebook page today of Sara Camyrn. Better yet, I posted it. Not for the caption but for the picture. She very well looked damn good in it. Yes, my mistake. God forbid I overlook the caption. Here's the pic that was posted.

Let me start by saying I don't have kids but I have had step kids in my life and I understand it's hard to fit time in when your a full time student, full time worker, and a parent but here's the truth. When you feel like you can use a shopping trip, that's an hour you could have spent working out. When you feel like a night on the town with girls is good, that's time you can spend working out. I know lots of women who are full time mothers with at least 2-5 kids who fit some type of workout routine in their day and they look damn good might I add. Has anyone ever heard the saying "all it takes is 4% of your day to get in a great exercise routine." 

Side note :As a military spouse, I get upset on daily every time I hear someone say all military wives do is sit around, have babies, and get fat. Is it true? For some yes and for some no. Does it irritate me about the ones who live up to the stereotype? Hell yeah. I can't stand to hear all the disgusting things that people say about military wives as far as having babies and being what is called a "dependapotamous." Urban dictionary definition: "Traditionally a service-members dependent who is a stay at home mom that doesn't do a damn thing all day besides sitting on the couch looking remarkably similar to jabba the hut leaching off of military benefits and eating anything that gets too close. 

So for all those moms who can balance their homes and still get in workout time, "what's their excuse?" How come your not doing it? Enough of this, "oh, my life is so busy", "I have to cook, clean, and be a full time mom and wife", " I work 12 hour days", "she gets paid to look like that." Enough is enough. What does it all boil down to......LAZINESS. Nobody said you have to look like her. The point of the matter is you can still have kids and look good. Choose veggies over ice cream. What the hell? You can even make your whole family eat healthy if you want. It's called baby steps. She didn't just look like that over night but she worked her ass off to get there. When your sitting on the couch watching tv and eating cookies or snicker doodles, it's called the thigh master baby.......make it work. It's called a dumbbell, throw that shit to ceiling and get those shoulders and arms pumping. When you get a break at work, oh snap, do some lunges, crunches, jumping jacks, and oh yeah skip the fast food run. You will thank yourself for it later. 

Truth be told, I am not downplaying the hard work of being a parent but I am knocking your lame ass excuses. Truth be told, I hate working out. I'm like why can't all women just have abs all the time and look sexy as hell but we don't. Some of us have to work at it harder than others but if that's what it takes, I'm down. 

I know a lot of people are going to hate me for this post and I know a lot of people are going to love me but truth be told excuses are for losers. 

                                                                                                         Airing out dirty laundry, 
                                                                                                                             THIS GIRL LIFTS

                                           (This might become a weekly segment)


  1. I think it comes down to desire.. if you want it bad enough, you will make it happen :)

  2. I've written about excuses before too, and I'm not a fan. I think anyone can do something if they set their mind to it. I have TEN kids, work full-time, run a business on the side, and still find time to work out. But I do it because it's important to me. I think a lot of people jump on pictures like these because it's not that important to them, but there's probably something in the back of their mind telling them it should be important. It's easier to judge someone else than to take a good look at ourselves. I've figured out when I'm judging someone it's usually because it has triggered something inside of me that I need to take a closer look at.

    That being said, I think it takes a certain mindset to be at a point in your life where you can put in the effort necessary to make a big life change, especially if you've allowed yourself to get extremely obese. Not everyone is at that point yet, and I don't think we should judge them either.

    I'm in the process of making that change in my life, but I'm still over 200 pounds. I'm sure people judge me based on my size not knowing that I do exercise every day and eat healthy.

    I personally don't like the captions in any of the pictures above. Shaming me is never going to help me make a positive change in my life.

  3. It's all about what you want and how bad you want it. How much you are willing to work to get it. I agree with your post and I think it is well said :)
