For the Love of Fitness: Sarah Fab

Monday, February 24, 2014

For the Love of Fitness February has been going great. We have got to meet tons of new people and find out why they are in love with their fitness life. So meet Sarah Fab.

Sarah Fab

I grew up playing all sorts of sports and have always been an active kid. I went to college and played soccer and tennis for my school. While I was still active, I ate whatever I wanted and gained the good ol' freshman 20!

It was around my sophomore and junior year that I realized I could not eat whatever I want and needed to learn more about food and nutrition. It was not easy, I was pretty clueless. While I wanted to learn and be healthy, there are other things that are important when you are in your 20's...parties, late night dinner trips, ice cream runs, you know... My weight fluctuated for a few years (105 pounds my sophomore year, back up to 130 when I graduated, back down to 110 the year after college, and then back up to 140 the next year). 

I continued to workout and read and learn, and one day it finally clicked. I wanted to live to be healthy and strong and take care of my body. When I stopped counting calories and looking at food as good or bad, I was able to just enjoy it and I eat to fuel my body.. and of course indulge now and then, life is too short to not enjoy it!

While I know I could still eat healthier, I feel good and strong and healthy, and have been the same weight for about 5 or 6 years. I feel so much better, mentally and physically, when I stay active and fuel my body properly!

Check out Sarah Fab on some of her social media and her awesome blog. 

blog is: Shh Fit Happens

                                                       Where everything is always fitness,

                                                             THIS GIRL LIFTS

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