For the Love of Fitness: Kelli Freese

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pregnancy seems to be a big deal in the fitness world right now. We have all seen the Maria King story along with the crossfit mom Lea-Ann Ellison. I have to say exercising while pregnant shows the true strength of a women. Once pregnant a lot of women milk the sympathy and stop doing what's right for their body. Meet Kelli. She is also a exercise while pregnant kinda girl.

Kelli Freese
Favorite healthy snack: Carrot sticks dipped  in guacamole. 
Favorite workouts: yoga, weights, and running. 
Favorite fitness brands: Merrell and The Sox Box
Favorite workout song: silence.  Yes, I know it's odd but I like to enjoy the peace and quiet when I workout.  

I posted on Facebook the other day about my plans to go on a five mile hike and immediately a comment popped up, "Don't overdo it, you don't have anything to prove."  I get comments like this a lot when I post my run for the day, or my lifting schedule, or anything else that seems "strenuous."  No, I'm not injured; nor am I getting over an illness; I'm just pregnant. 

For some reason in our society we have decided that the second we become pregnant we can't lift anything heavier than a water bottle to our lips; nor can we do any form of cardio more strenuous than waddling down the street for
fifteen minutes.  Don't get me wrong, I bought that lie back with offspring #1. I also bought the "eating for two" thing (what chili cheeseburgers, fries AND a chocolate shake, why not!). 

I was working out BEFORE I got pregnant and so it is perfectly safe to continue to do so throughout pregnancy.  In fact most women who workout out during pregnancy recover faster and tend to have shorter delivery times. 

I'll do ANYTHING to shorten my delivery time!  Now it is not safe to start a new training regimen or something that you weren't doing before you got pregnant, so don't decide to run a marathon when you've never run over two miles; that's the road that leads to injuries and hospital visits.  However, if
you were going to Crossfit before don't stop going to the Box now just listen to your body and to your trainers.  If you were running before don't stop, let me say it again; just listen to your body. 

This pregnancy has been totally different because I didn't stop working out.  I barely feel pregnant although my bump says differently.  I have had a few days of feeling yucky but other than that I feel great and I truly believe that eating real food and exercising are to attribute to that. If you weren't exercising before and want to start something so that you can
feel better now, doctors and fitness professionals agree that the best thing for you is to walk.  Don't be afraid to throw on your athletic shoes and get moving.

For those of you that aren't pregnant, when you see a pregnant woman exercising; encourage her.  Trust me she needs to hear those words!

Go check Kelli out on her awesome blog over at Mom4ce.


                                                     Pregnant and Healthy,
                                                                   THIS GIRL LIFTS

1 comment :

  1. I definitely didn't feel comfortable running during my pregnancies, but tried to keep up other activities. Good luck to her for her pregnancy and delivery!
