Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad

Monday, November 25, 2013

Who doesn't love a great recipe to try during the week. I know I do when I get bored with my old ones. Check this one out by our ambassador Amber Vesey.  It's super delicious!!!

Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad

Sometimes, my body just craves cold food. This greek yogurt chicken salad really hits the spot and is super simple to make for lunch or dinner. Not to mention it's packed with extra protein from the greek yogurt as opposed to using mayonnaise.

 The amount of yogurt, mustard, garlic powder, grapes, and almonds will vary on how much chicken salad you plan on making, and to your taste buds. We're all different, my recipes are flexible, use it as a guideline but if you want twice the amount of mustard, then do what pleases your palate!

 Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad
 -Shredded Chicken 
 -1-2 scoops of PLAIN greek yogurt
 -1 generous squirt of Yellow Mustard Salt and Pepper to Taste
 -1 Shake of Garlic Powder 
 -Grapes, cut in half (optional but are a nice addition since the yogurt makes the salad a bit tart)   
 -Sliced Almonds (optional) 
 -Tomato Slices (optional) 

 - If you are going to make this without the grapes, I suggest shredding chicken that has been cooked with seasoning/marinade already! 
 - You can just boil chicken and shred it to use with this recipe, BUT it will be a bit tart, so I recommend the grapes or adding seasoning!

 Cucumber sandwiches 
 Red Peppers stuffed with chicken salad
 Lettuce Wraps 
 Tomato Slices - a bit messy! Just eat it in a bowl or on your plate!

                                                                                                                                AMBER VESEY

You can also find Amber over at Go check her out!!

1 comment :

  1. That looks yummy! I'm pinning it and putting it on my grocery list. :)
