This Girl Lift's Giveaway!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Who's so so excited??? This girl is!!! I have finally got my website up and you can totally view it here. Not only am I excited about that but I'm truly excited about the great group of women who are backing me and have become my ambassadors. If you are unsure what we are about, then let me explain. 

 This Girl Lifts is a place where women can come and get that extra guidance and support they need while in the process of training for a competition, losing weight, or trying to eat healthier. We have all encountered others who feel like they are to good to help you or act like what your doing is just insane. I have experienced an overwhelming society of women who don't care about helping each other and their whole fitness life (and probably their everyday life) is solely based on themselves. With This Girl lifts we are here to encourage, empower, and help guide you through your journey and struggles.You will encounter women from all walks of life who are not experts but have walked down the path that you are taking and can help you through your journey to a fitter, happier, healthier you. Do not let others take away what means so much to you.

 Our community is made up of women who lift, hence the name, and women who are on a weight loss journey. Come take a ride with us as we share our trials and tribulations of the fitness world, give you great recipes, share tips and tricks, and help keep your confidence a float. 

 To kick off our great website and community, we are hosting a giveaway for a $30.00 Dicks Sporting Goods Gift Card. OMG......because I am so excited I am going to give away a $30 gift card to GNC as well. So let's go everyone. Get your entries in now. 

                                                 ALWAYS WITH YOU, 
                                                                                             THIS GIRL LIFTS

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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