The Beginning of a New Year

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's that time of year again when everybody starts making their New Years resolutions. One of the most infamous ones of all times is, "I am going to lose weight." Yes, New Years is 6 days from now.  So whats wrong with starting before hand?

I am not a person who doesn't believe in New Years resolutions. Losing weight was one of mine last year but I started a month or two before hand. Needless to say, I stuck to mine and here I am today giving you a few tips on how to stick to your goals and follow through on your resolution to lose weight (No expert but walking proof).

1. Make it a priority!! This should be one of the most important things on your list. Don't skip         working out to party or have a drink with friends. You must allow it to become a part of your everyday routine.

2. Seek Help. Sometimes we all feel like we know exactly what we need to do to lose weight because a friend told us what they did or we read an article in a magazine but I will be the first to tell you that I thought I knew to. Not everything we see or hear is specifically made for our bodies. Everybody's body is different. So seek advice from a nutritionist or a trainer if you need to.

3. Surround yourself with support. We all have those friends who want you to drink, eat snacks, and get lazy with them. Tell them the answer is "NO!" Find friends who have the same resolutions as you. Sometimes a little competition gets you extra motivated as well. It's nice to have a support system.

4. Start out fresh in your kitchen. Now don't just go tossing sh*t in the trash. Donate it or allow only the family members in your house to eat it. When I started my husband was a away so I gave everything in my cabinets and fridge to a family I knew and started cold turkey. (It was painful but pain is weakness ladies.)

5. Believe in yourself. Yes, a lot of us who are on health kicks now have tried over and over and over again every New Year to start a weight loss program and have literally failed every time or just didn't follow through at all. The biggest accomplishment you can achieve is to have faith in yourself. The journey will be long, hard, and never easy. F.A.I.T.H. is what it takes.

Now that you have those important tips...........enjoy your Christmas and New Year's. The best is yet to come. 

                                                                     Work Hard. Play Hard.
                                                                        This Girl Lifts

(Exciting new things coming up on the blog. So stay tuned!!)


  1. Great tips! Number 3 is very important for me... I have friends that run with me, and there's no way I'd ever be motivated without them! I'd also recommend setting a tangible goal. I think that helps with Number 1. My current goal is to run my first half marathon in April. After that, I'll set another goal (probably to run a full).

  2. Setting a tangible goal is very important. You are right. Good luck on your half marathon. I tried one time and lets just say I am more strength than I am endurance lol
