Track Workout

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Trying to stay in shape can be the hardest thing but where people really get stumped at is when you hit a plateau. In my world, sprinting and track workouts are the best way to get over these. Besides that, you get an awesome workout that torches calories and builds strength. 

Here is one of my most favorite track workouts that I am actually doing this month. This workout consist of 10 laps. Each lap consist of two sprints and two exercises. For the first time it could be exhausting. Hang in there. 

1st Lap- sprint, high knees, sprint, high knees

2nd Lap- sprint, lunges, sprint, lunges

3rd Lap- sprint, walk/rest, sprint, walk/rest

4th Lap- sprint, butt kicks, sprint, butt kicks

5th Lap- sprint, sideways run, sprint, sideways run

6th Lap- sprint, walk/rest, sprint, walk/rest

7th Lap- sprint, 20 push-ups, sprint, 20 push-ups 

8th Lap- sprint, 20 jumping jacks, sprint, 20 jumping jacks

9th Lap- sprint, rest/walk, sprint, rest/walk

10th Lap- sprint, 20 squats, sprint, 20 squats

2 cool down laps walking.

How many of you are dead by now or was half way through lol? By the end of this you should be sweating and possibly sore already. 

*please remember to stretch before and after workout*

If you breeze through this the first time, do a second round or start doing this workout with a weighted vest or ankle weights.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Working my ass of, 

                                                                                This Girl Lifts


  1. Very cool! I would have never thought to throw in different exercises each lap. Out of all of them, lunges would be the most killer for me!

    1. Yes, the exercises help you sculpt and the same time. I love it.

  2. Just discovered your blog via Journey to fit & healthy. Love it and I just subscribed.

    1. Thank you so much Deborah. Love to have you follow. I will definitely follow back.
